Email Marketing Development and Implementation

Are you using email marketing? Reaching prospects and clients for a fraction of the price of traditional mail. While response rates are lower on email marketing campaigns, if an organization has a large enough list, they can utilize email marketing over direct mail.

Or, even better, you can create a cross-channel campaign using email marketing and direct mail marketing making a larger impact to your prospects, leads, and clients.

Email marketing starts with a list. Here at Aptus Marketing and Development, we encourage organic email lists – that is to say, we discourage purchasing an email list. An organization can place an email subscription sign up form in various places from your website homepage and Facebook to a trade show drawing and at the front counter of your business.

Next, a message or offer is crafted. This message must be compelling for the recipient to take action. Surrounding the message, items like the subject line, who the email comes from, and overall branding with professional design count.

Mass email management and distribution systems now offer analytics to help an organization determine the success, or failure, of an email marketing campaign.

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