Marketing Strategy Website Development

5 Super Effective Lead Magnet Ideas for 2019

Every business wants tons of free leads.

What is a lead? In the simplest terms, it’s an individual or organization that has an interest in what you’re selling.

But selling is becoming harder according to 35% of salespeople. It now takes an average of 8 calls to get in touch with a prospect after they make initial contact.

For this reason alone, more and more companies are focusing on converting more quality leads instead of more leads overall.

To convert a lead, you need to obtain their contact information. To get their contact information, you need to offer them something valuable in return for their filling out a contact form. The best way to do that is through lead magnets.

Lead magnets represent your best giveaway ideas. They offer more value than other CTAs.

For example, not every visitor on your website will want to sign up for your email newsletter. Others may prefer long-form materials that can help them answer a question or solve a problem.

Here are five lead magnet ideas you can try in 2019.

1. Reports and White Papers

According to one poll, 79% of B2B buyers said white papers are the materials they are most likely to share with colleagues.

Creating a white paper is often an investment. The best white papers include original, proprietary research. But white papers are perhaps the most high-value form of content you can offer for free.

If you’re a B2B business, white papers may be the most effective form of content in your arsenal.

2. Checklists

Checklists are simple but beautifully designed documents that help your leads keep track of tasks. Be sure to create checklists for tasks that your target audience might perform.

For example, if you sell project management software to small businesses, you could offer a checklist for starting new projects.

3. Webinars

Webinars may take some production time to create, but they’re almost as valuable as white papers. You can run a webinar with your own team, or you can bring in experts from outside your company.

Some influencers may be willing to do a webinar with you for a fee. But the ROI of that investment could be astronomical in terms of leads. Once your webinar is done, create post-webinar reports, blog posts, and other materials to obtain even more leads.

4. Free Online Tools

Like checklists, free online tools are designed to be helpful to your target audience. You may need a programmer on hand to design the tool, but once it’s up and running, it will be easy to gate it behind a form.

Consider what your customers need. Then, provide them with a tool that makes their lives easier. If you’re a software vendor, you can even provide them with a limited free version of your product.

5. Free Consultations

Not everyone will be interested in a consultation. But your most qualified leads may be interested in free services like business coaching or niche advice.

Naturally, this type of lead magnet depends on your business. But even if you sell a product, you can offer free consultations on how to use it.

Get More Lead Magnet Ideas

If you’re still struggling to figure out how to make a lead, don’t worry. There are plenty more lead magnet ideas that can help you accomplish the task.

To learn more, contact our business growth consultancy today.

By Brockwell "Mr. B" Bone

Brockwell Bone has helped businesses and non-profits grow through digital marketing since 2000.

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