Marketing Strategy Website Development

A Look at the Future of SEO: What Is Coming in 2020?

It’s no secret that having a strong online presence for your brand is crucial if you want to keep up with your industry’s competitors. But, you won’t get very far without ensuring that your audience can find you on their own.

So, you’ll need to stay informed on contemporary SEO trends as well as the future of SEO.

Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about what to expect in 2020.

1. Website Security Is Crucial

With cybercrime expected to become a multi-trillion dollar industry, there is a greater need than ever to protect your site against hackers.

Not only are you at risk of getting your intellectual property stolen and lapses in productivity, but you’ll also deter potential customers from using your site if there is a noticeable lack of security.

People these days are often very vigilant of where they input their personal info. As such, you’ll need to ensure that your website incorporates HTTPS protocol to both protect your website from attacks and convey to your users that their information is safe.

2. Prioritize Video

By 2022, nearly all Internet traffic is anticipated to come from online video. While this isn’t to say that people won’t have the desire to read blog posts and informative articles, it will highly benefit your brand to incorporate video content.

This also applies to Facebook and Instagram, as well. If you’re having trouble thinking of ideas, things like product reviews, behind-the-scenes looks, and product/service announcements are solid video concepts.

3. Incorporate Voice Search

As our access to information gets faster, people often become lazier. Voice search will see a rise in popularity due to the convenience it provides.

What this means for brands is the need to incorporate keyword phrases that reflect how people would speak to their phone when searching.

For example, most people are likely to type “Mexican restaurants Los Angeles” but are likely to speak“where is the best Mexican restaurant in Los Angeles?”

So, keep this in mind when creating your content and SEO tags to optimize how many people will reach your site.

4. Quality Mobile UX Is Key

Mobile traffic is expected to experience a sharp increase up until 2021. This means you’ll need to start preparing for it now.

Optimizing mobile UX on your site includes:

  • Appropriately-sized icons and links
  • Formatting
  • Minimalist design to reduce loading times
  • Social media buttons to make sharing content simple

If you have a store on your site, you should also ensure that navigating through it is as simple as possible. Similarly, the ‘search’ option should be easy for your site’s visitors to find and use.

The Future of SEO in 2020: Final Thoughts 

With the above information about the future of SEO in mind, you’ll be well on your way to making the best decisions for your company online.

Want to learn more about what changes to expect in social media in 2020? Check out our article about social media trends that you need to know!