Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing: Pros and Cons of Social Media Marketing

Did you know that one in three people in the world uses social media platforms?

Social media has, indeed, become a huge part not only of digital marketing but of everyone’s daily life. This is a great opportunity for any business.

If you’ve been considering joining a social media platform with your brand but want to know the pros and cons of social media marketing first, today’s article is just what you need to read!

Pro: It’s Affordable

It is a fact that organic reach on social media is on the decline and that means that, unlike a few years ago, it’s almost required that brands spend money on their social media presence to create targeted ads and campaigns.

However, when you compare this with other marketing strategies, it becomes clear that social media marketing is a lot cheaper.

Pro: It Offers Great Targeting Options

Before, brands would promote their products or services through the TV, radio, or press. Those were – and, in some cases, still are – very effective marketing channels.

However, when a brand created a TV ad, they’d reach their target audience and… everyone else who had a TV. There was no specific targeting. With social media, you can choose the type of consumer you want to reach with each campaign and customize it accordingly.

Pro: It Helps Foster Strong Relationships

Through social media, you can build your brand’s personality like never before and, this way, create a stronger, more authentic connection with your audience. Ultimately, this can result in more brand loyalty and customer retention.

Con: It Can Damage Your Brand’s Image

You’ll only post positive things about your brand, of course. However, we have to remember about the comment section on each of your posts, the online reviews and the personal posts by customers.

Anyone can say whatever they want online and you never know how that might affect your brand. However, a good social media manager will know how to deal with any negative comments you receive.

Con: The ROI Is Difficult to Measure

If you’re a business owner, you know that what matters, in the end, are the numbers behind the marketing strategy and the truth is, when it comes to social media marketing, those numbers (that is, the ROI) can be tricky to measure.

The good news is that, once again, an efficient social media manager will be able to present you with comprehensive reports of your campaigns, which will give you an idea of your social media success.

Con: It’s Time-Consuming

Contrary to popular belief, social media marketing is about more than creating a couple of posts a week. There’s a lot of creativity, strategy, and monitoring involved and all of that can be very time-consuming, which is why hiring a social media manager or outsourcing this type of task is often a good idea.

Pros and Cons of Social Media Marketing: Now You Know!

Using social media to promote your business comes with many perks and challenges. However, it’s important to remember that you want to be where your target audience is and, right now, that’s probably on one or two social media platforms.

Now that you’re familiar with the pros and cons of social media marketing, it’s time to find an agency that will help you get the most out of the first ones and deal with the second ones. Schedule a call with us today!