Marketing Strategy Text (SMS) Marketing

Top 5 Text Marketing Tips

Reaching the right audience can be difficult. Without realizing it, it’s quite possible to pour thousands of dollars into a marketing campaign that, frankly, may not deliver results.

But businesses would do well to stop waiting for their audiences to come to them.

What’s the solution? SMS marketing.

An estimated 95% of all Americans own a cell phone, meaning it’s easier than ever to reach customers wherever they are.

Here are five tips to make your SMS marketing campaign a smashing success.

1. Always Get Permission

This is by far the most important tip on this list, as it can land you in the most trouble.

Customers must always opt-in to a company’s marketing. Otherwise, the business in question is guilty of what the FCC refers to as an “unsolicited advertisement,” and can face major financial and legal hurdles.

Play it safe — always get consumers’ permission before enrolling them in a text marketing campaign. Customers value transparency. Make sure to use the words “opt-in” in the messaging and be as clear as possible about what they’re signing up for.

2. Personalize Each Text

People love individualized messages. In fact, 80% of consumers said that they’re more willing to buy from a brand who offers them a personalized, custom experience.

Something as simple as using the customer’s name in the introduction of the text can go a long way. It builds a customer-managed relationship (CMR) and is a wonderful means of generating leads.

And for those feeling nervous: No, it isn’t necessarily to go in and individually address each message. There are tons of great SMS marketing services that will do that for you.

3. Schedule Messages Appropriately

Imagine receiving a text message at 3 AM. Many would hear the ring or buzz of their phone and wake up thinking it’s an emergency.

Now imagine how frustrated they’d feel when they see it’s an advertisement. Not the smartest move.

When a business sends a text can be every bit as important as what they text.

Be thoughtful about scheduling text messages. Aim to utilize SMS marketing during the business day and early evening only.

4. Avoid Spamming Customers

Finding the right balance in an SMS marketing campaign can be a challenge. In fact, it’s a similar challenge to those faced in social media and email campaigns.

Too few messages and the customer is likely to forget about the business. Too many messages and they’ll become frustrated and are likelier to opt out of the campaign.

When it comes down to it, less is often more. One or two messages per week are more than sufficient.

5. Only Text When There’s Good Reason

Last but not least, only text a customer when they stand to benefit from something. Otherwise, the customer will see no value in participating in the campaign and may be likelier to leave altogether.

When you do text, make sure it’s in the consumer’s best interest. Here are a few ways to add value:

  • Update a customer on their order
  • Inform them about upcoming special events
  • Give them a discount code
  • Send them a reminder about a payment or appointment

Above all else, SMS marketing should benefit both the business and the consumer. Make sure your customers are getting value out of their texts.

SMS Marketing Is The Future

As society continues to rely more and more on mobile devices, the power of SMS marketing will only increase. The sooner business harness this awesome power, the sooner they’ll benefit.

Are you interested in boosting your brand? To learn more about market coaching, SMS marketing, and more get in touch and let’s talk.