Email Marketing

6 Simple Email Marketing Tips to Boost Business In the Year Ahead

Are you an entrepreneur looking for ways to improve your business marketing strategy? Well, the key to smart marketing is expanding your client base.

One of the most effective ways to build a strong client list is by using a simple email marketing strategy.

Email advertising involves sending an electronic, commercial message to current and potential customers. The goal is to promote a product or service that entices them to buy.

If you’re looking to boost your business in the coming year, read on. Here are six email marketing tips to ensure a productive year ahead.

1. Building a Subscriber List Is a Key Factor in Email Marketing Tips

Your subscriber list is an inventory of emails provided by clients and prospects. Most businesses provide a spot for it on their websites as an incentive for clients to stay informed. They also collect them in-office via sign-in sheets or kiosk.

If you have a blog page, add one there as well. The longer the list, the most effective your marketing strategy will turn out. Try upgrading the collection process. Use online tools like MailMunch, Constant Contact, and LeadPages.

These applications help you turn online visitors into subscribers by using alluring opt-in forms. They’re also optimized for mobile use on devices like cell phones and tablets.

2. Don’t Get Spammed

People get all kinds of spam and junk mail every day. So, it’s a great possibility your first business email might end up in the spam folder.

A good way to avoid “getting spammed” is to start communicating with clients via email before sending your first marketing email. Doing business with clients via email helps get your email address to the safe list. You go straight to the inbox rather than the junk mail.

When clients expect to receive mail from you, they inspect their spam boxes to shift mail to the right box. Or, they add you to their address book so your business mail goes directly to their inboxes.

Securing early email access helps you tease market. Meaning, you can add marketing teasers at the bottom of your business emails. Doing so primes the client relationship, opening the door to future marketing emails.

3. Be Consistent

Don’t be one and done with your marketing strategies. Be consistent. Send out regular emails to your subscriber list.

People look at their cell phones 150 times or more a day. 34% of them check their emails. By sending out regular emails, you increase your business’ opportunity to make more sales.

Get ahead of the competition by showing up for consumers every day in their inboxes.

4. Headlines Matter

Your opening headline determines if your email gets opened or not. Don’t make it sound like just another sales pitch. Use this line to build a relationship with your customer.

In other words, connect upfront with the subscriber. Use words that draw on the customer’s curiosity and emotions. Ask short questions or use mini listicles. People like lists and numbers.

Keeping your headline brief and direct improves the rate at which your emails get opened.

5. Get Personal

Consumers don’t like getting emails addressed to “Hey You” or “To Whom it May Concern”. You shouldn’t do it either, especially since you asked them for their email.

Let your subscribers know you care about them individually and their individual needs. Personalize each email. Address every consumer and potential customer by name. It denotes respect and builds a client-business relationship.

6. K.I.S.S.

No, this doesn’t mean what it says. It means to keep it short and simple. Nobody has time to waste on a long, drawn-out, complicated email.

So keep yours short and to the strategic point. Don’t try to sell everything to everybody in one email. The point is to get the reader’s attention and keep it long enough to get the sale.

You’ll get a better response if you keep the email message clear and succinct. Don’t use long paragraphs. They turn readers away and your email might get deleted. Keep your sentences short and the marketing message brief and understandable.

Send Emails

Digital marketing increases your client base. It also leads to more sales for your business.

These email marketing tips are not all-inclusive. But they’re a starting point for your next digital campaign.

Look into our marketing services for help meeting your marketing and business goals.