Email Marketing

Reach Your Audience: How to Create a Winning Email Marketing Strategy

Over half of American consumers check their email accounts more than 10 times a day, plus it’s their preferred method of communication regarding brand updates. If you don’t have an email marketing strategy in place, then you’re missing out on a good amount of potential sales.

Here are some ways you can create a winning email marketing strategy to help you land those customers.

Establish Your Target Audience

If you’re selling high-end luxury watches, then chances are, your target audience isn’t high school teenagers. When you don’t have a tight, focused email list, you’re wasting your communication efforts on people that have zero chance of buying your products or using your services.

Once you’ve established your target demographic, then you can hone in on your email marketing tactics.

Find Effective Ways to Get Your Target Audience to Opt-In

With the GDPR and other data protection laws, things are getting more stringent when it comes to email marketing. You need the recipients’ permission to send your marketing emails.

Because of this, you need to motivate your audience to opt in your emails. Some good incentives include free products (such as ebooks and whitepapers) and coupons.

Practice Segmentation for Your Emails

Blanket emails may be easy to send out, but they’re definitely not the most effective way to get people to read and respond. Segmentation may take a little more work, but the payoff is worth it.

When you use segmentation in your email strategy, it allows for you to personalize messages more. Not only does this lead to higher open rates, but it lowers your unsubscribe rates too.

Consider Lifecycles for Emails

The people who are exposed to your brand aren’t always going to be at the same stage of their buying cycle. You want to ensure that you’re sending them emails that are relevant to their buying stage and facilitate their progress in the cycle.

Lifecycles are similar to segmentation since you don’t rely on bulk emails. Instead, you put together a chain of emails that address each stage of the customer buying cycle.

You can then assign the prospects to the right stage of the lifecycle emails, depending on which touchpoint they entered your database with.

Find the Optimal Schedule

Everyone doesn’t want to be spammed, so you shouldn’t be sending your emails out whenever you feel like it. If you put together an email marketing schedule, then you and your team know exactly when things need to be ready and when they need to be sent out.

Scheduling doesn’t just involve how often you send emails out; when you send them matters too. Studies show people check their emails right after waking up and before they go to bed so email blast times of 6:00 am and 10:00 pm may be good to try.

An Email Marketing Strategy That Works

With an email marketing strategy that works, you’ll see your conversion rates skyrocket. So ditch your old strategy if you’re not seeing results and put our tips to good use.

Want to grow your business further? Then get in touch with us today.

By Brockwell "Mr. B" Bone

Brockwell Bone has helped businesses and non-profits grow through digital marketing since 2000.

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