Email Marketing

Email Marketing 101: Everything You Need To Know About Email Marketing For Your Small Business

It’s no secret that the Internet is one of the most powerful tools that entrepreneurs can take advantage of. In particular, email marketing is a tactic that most businesses should utilize.

But, not everyone knows how to go about it, or the benefits it provides. Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about small business email marketing. 

Know Your Audience

Before you can properly communicate with your audience, you’ll need to properly define who you’re speaking to. A major attribute of effective email marketing is a feeling of personalization in the email you’re sending.

For example, let’s assume you own a company that sells athletic apparel for men and women. You’ll likely benefit from changing your message’s tone and copy depending on whether the recipient is male or female.

While messages about store-wide sales can be universal, promoting discounted apparel for either gender will likely need to be worded differently. 

The better you understand the person you’re speaking too, the better your results will be.

The Subject Line

As you may expect, your subject line will often determine whether or not the recipient will even open the email. So, you’re going to need to put some time and effort into crafting the perfect one for your message.

A general tactic is to create a sense of urgency so that readers feel compelled to see the rest of the message. Phrases like ‘ends soon’ or ‘don’t miss out’ are common ways you can convey that your offer requires them to take action in the near future.

Similarly, showing the value they’ll receive can encourage a response. A subject line of an email that the aforementioned apparel company would send might be something like ‘30% off All Clothing This Weekend! Ends Saturday 3/14!’

This subject line is straightforward and immediately tells readers why they should open it.

The Copy

When it comes to copy for email marketing, simplicity is key. Oftentimes, you’ll find that most marketing emails have only one line per paragraph. This is done in order to make the message as straightforward and easy to read as possible.

A call to action (CTA) is also crucial since readers are far more likely to act how you intend them to if you guide them toward doing so. When possible, incorporate CTA buttons (ones with bright colors are a plus) that your readers can click in order to take advantage of your offer.

Utilizing Small Business Email Marketing Can Seem Difficult

But it doesn’t have to be.

With the above information about small business email marketing in mind, you’ll be well on your way to generating leads and increasing conversions like never before.

Want to learn more about how we can help? Feel free to get in touch with us today to see what we can do.

Email Marketing

Before You Hit Send: Email Marketing Rules You Need to Know

Email marketing is one of the most successful ways to reach a consumer. Email provides a quick, inexpensive, and effective way to share information with your consumers and clients.

Email marketing can help you grow your client base and increase business.

While getting started with a campaign may seem daunting, there are a few email marketing rules that are easy to follow and will help make your campaign a success.

This guide to email marketing will provide you with all the tools you need to launch your own successful email campaign.

Email Marketing Rules

When it comes to email marketing, there are some basic rules you can follow to help better your chances for success.

You’ll want to start with the basics when it comes to defining your audience and laying out the goals you have for the campaign.

Maybe you want to get more people to redeem a coupon in-store or maybe you want more traffic to your website. Whatever your goals are for using email to market your business, know that a successful campaign can do wonders for your business and online presence.

Think of these rules as a recipe for success.

Email Marketing 101: Define Your Audience

Defining your audience is the first place you should start when it comes to launching an email marketing campaign. It will be hard to know what to send if you don’t know who you’re sending it to.

Sometimes you may want to cater an email to a certain client base. If you’re a clothing store, for example, and you carry clothes for people of all ages, you might want to target parents for a back to school campaign.

Let’s say you’re coffee shop who wants to offer a deal to early risers, you can target your campaign to deliver the night before so people will see it first thing in the morning.

Defining your audience will help make your campaign a lot more successful. The more intimate and targeted your campaign is, the more focused it will be.

How to Create Email Marketing: Defining Your Goals

Once you’ve established your audience, you should determine what your goals are.

Goals can be anything from getting more website traffic, getting more foot traffic, or more online sales. Your goals will help you tailor the content.

Goals will also help you with measurement after the campaign has launched.

Create an Easy Way For People to Sign Up

The email marketing process should always include an easy way for people to sign up or to engage with your brand. You want to make it easy for consumers to be able to sign up for your emails on your website or at your location.

You can put a sign-up button on your homepage, on a check out screen, and on your social media.

Remember that you’ll also need to include a place for people to opt-out of your email database if they need to. 

Choose the Type of Campaign

Next, you’ll want to think about the type of campaign you’d like to send. Some find it helpful to send a weekly newsletter, others may only send promotional emails.

It can be very helpful to create a schedule for yourself when marketing via email.

Track Your Results

The final rule you should always try to follow is to track your results. Tracking your results is one of the most important email marketing rules.

Tracking your results will help you see how successful your campaign was and what you can improve on. If something was successful, take note and do it again.

If you’re ready to work with a professional on your next dynamic email marketing campaign, get started here.

Email Marketing

Reach Your Audience: How to Create a Winning Email Marketing Strategy

Over half of American consumers check their email accounts more than 10 times a day, plus it’s their preferred method of communication regarding brand updates. If you don’t have an email marketing strategy in place, then you’re missing out on a good amount of potential sales.

Here are some ways you can create a winning email marketing strategy to help you land those customers.

Establish Your Target Audience

If you’re selling high-end luxury watches, then chances are, your target audience isn’t high school teenagers. When you don’t have a tight, focused email list, you’re wasting your communication efforts on people that have zero chance of buying your products or using your services.

Once you’ve established your target demographic, then you can hone in on your email marketing tactics.

Find Effective Ways to Get Your Target Audience to Opt-In

With the GDPR and other data protection laws, things are getting more stringent when it comes to email marketing. You need the recipients’ permission to send your marketing emails.

Because of this, you need to motivate your audience to opt in your emails. Some good incentives include free products (such as ebooks and whitepapers) and coupons.

Practice Segmentation for Your Emails

Blanket emails may be easy to send out, but they’re definitely not the most effective way to get people to read and respond. Segmentation may take a little more work, but the payoff is worth it.

When you use segmentation in your email strategy, it allows for you to personalize messages more. Not only does this lead to higher open rates, but it lowers your unsubscribe rates too.

Consider Lifecycles for Emails

The people who are exposed to your brand aren’t always going to be at the same stage of their buying cycle. You want to ensure that you’re sending them emails that are relevant to their buying stage and facilitate their progress in the cycle.

Lifecycles are similar to segmentation since you don’t rely on bulk emails. Instead, you put together a chain of emails that address each stage of the customer buying cycle.

You can then assign the prospects to the right stage of the lifecycle emails, depending on which touchpoint they entered your database with.

Find the Optimal Schedule

Everyone doesn’t want to be spammed, so you shouldn’t be sending your emails out whenever you feel like it. If you put together an email marketing schedule, then you and your team know exactly when things need to be ready and when they need to be sent out.

Scheduling doesn’t just involve how often you send emails out; when you send them matters too. Studies show people check their emails right after waking up and before they go to bed so email blast times of 6:00 am and 10:00 pm may be good to try.

An Email Marketing Strategy That Works

With an email marketing strategy that works, you’ll see your conversion rates skyrocket. So ditch your old strategy if you’re not seeing results and put our tips to good use.

Want to grow your business further? Then get in touch with us today.

Email Marketing

6 Simple Email Marketing Tips to Boost Business In the Year Ahead

Are you an entrepreneur looking for ways to improve your business marketing strategy? Well, the key to smart marketing is expanding your client base.

One of the most effective ways to build a strong client list is by using a simple email marketing strategy.

Email advertising involves sending an electronic, commercial message to current and potential customers. The goal is to promote a product or service that entices them to buy.

If you’re looking to boost your business in the coming year, read on. Here are six email marketing tips to ensure a productive year ahead.

1. Building a Subscriber List Is a Key Factor in Email Marketing Tips

Your subscriber list is an inventory of emails provided by clients and prospects. Most businesses provide a spot for it on their websites as an incentive for clients to stay informed. They also collect them in-office via sign-in sheets or kiosk.

If you have a blog page, add one there as well. The longer the list, the most effective your marketing strategy will turn out. Try upgrading the collection process. Use online tools like MailMunch, Constant Contact, and LeadPages.

These applications help you turn online visitors into subscribers by using alluring opt-in forms. They’re also optimized for mobile use on devices like cell phones and tablets.

2. Don’t Get Spammed

People get all kinds of spam and junk mail every day. So, it’s a great possibility your first business email might end up in the spam folder.

A good way to avoid “getting spammed” is to start communicating with clients via email before sending your first marketing email. Doing business with clients via email helps get your email address to the safe list. You go straight to the inbox rather than the junk mail.

When clients expect to receive mail from you, they inspect their spam boxes to shift mail to the right box. Or, they add you to their address book so your business mail goes directly to their inboxes.

Securing early email access helps you tease market. Meaning, you can add marketing teasers at the bottom of your business emails. Doing so primes the client relationship, opening the door to future marketing emails.

3. Be Consistent

Don’t be one and done with your marketing strategies. Be consistent. Send out regular emails to your subscriber list.

People look at their cell phones 150 times or more a day. 34% of them check their emails. By sending out regular emails, you increase your business’ opportunity to make more sales.

Get ahead of the competition by showing up for consumers every day in their inboxes.

4. Headlines Matter

Your opening headline determines if your email gets opened or not. Don’t make it sound like just another sales pitch. Use this line to build a relationship with your customer.

In other words, connect upfront with the subscriber. Use words that draw on the customer’s curiosity and emotions. Ask short questions or use mini listicles. People like lists and numbers.

Keeping your headline brief and direct improves the rate at which your emails get opened.

5. Get Personal

Consumers don’t like getting emails addressed to “Hey You” or “To Whom it May Concern”. You shouldn’t do it either, especially since you asked them for their email.

Let your subscribers know you care about them individually and their individual needs. Personalize each email. Address every consumer and potential customer by name. It denotes respect and builds a client-business relationship.

6. K.I.S.S.

No, this doesn’t mean what it says. It means to keep it short and simple. Nobody has time to waste on a long, drawn-out, complicated email.

So keep yours short and to the strategic point. Don’t try to sell everything to everybody in one email. The point is to get the reader’s attention and keep it long enough to get the sale.

You’ll get a better response if you keep the email message clear and succinct. Don’t use long paragraphs. They turn readers away and your email might get deleted. Keep your sentences short and the marketing message brief and understandable.

Send Emails

Digital marketing increases your client base. It also leads to more sales for your business.

These email marketing tips are not all-inclusive. But they’re a starting point for your next digital campaign.

Look into our marketing services for help meeting your marketing and business goals.

Email Marketing

5 Reasons to Take Advantage of Newsletter Marketing

Digital marketing is becoming an increasingly complex field for businesses to navigate. With new social channels and algorithm changes popping up every day, it can seem like online marketing is a lost cause.

And while little can be done about technological advances and social media innovations, businesses looking to perfect their marketing technique still have a great option: newsletter marketing.

newsletter marketingNewsletters are a great way to market a business, and it seems as though email marketing is here to stay.

Here are five great reasons to take advantage of newsletter marketing.

Newsletter Marketing Works Anywhere, Anytime

It isn’t uncommon for many consumers to spend more time on their phones than on their desktop.

That’s why newsletters are a great solution for today’s mobile-focused world.

Most consumers have their email account linked to their phone. Now, they can receive that hand-crafted newsletter anywhere, at any time.

It Isn’t Intrusive

The average consumer is tired of advertisements. On a daily basis, they’re exposed to roughly 5,000 advertisements.

Give them a break by marketing in an unobtrusive fashion like email marketing.

Should a customer not wish to see a newsletter or receive an offer, they’re free to ignore it and move on with their day.

Best of all, most newsletters don’t qualify as spam. So even if a customer has a great spam filter or even AdBlock, they’ll likely still see a newsletter.

Email Marketing is Great For Customer Retention

Businesses of all sizes appreciate loyalty. And it’s far easier to keep an existing customer than find a new one.

Fortunately, email marketing makes customer retention much easier.

Businesses can stay in touch with their favorite customers while offering something in return, like a coupon or discount.

Increase Web Conversions

Many businesses simply don’t seem to get the numbers they’re after.

And who can blame them? Discoverability is tough, especially if a business doesn’t have a lot of money to spend.

But brands have the ability to increase web traffic via newsletters. Including hyperlinks and boasting the latest and greatest features of a website is a surefire way to get a customer to visit one’s site.

It’s Measurable

Newsletter metrics are simple to follow and can show a business what’s working — and what still needs improvement. Most metrics can even tell a business where recipients stopped reading!

If a brand is looking to learn more about its audience, newsletters are a fantastic and affordable way to get some quick, accurate metrics.

Get Stronger Results

Every business deserves to find its audience. With newsletter marketing, it’s more affordable and user-friendly than ever.

If you’re interested in strengthening your business or just want to learn a bit about digital marketing, contact Aptus Marketing and Development today.

We’ll help you learn the tools you need to survive in today’s competitive world. So don’t hesitate, get in touch today!

Email Marketing Newsletter Marketing

3 Benefits Of Using A Company Newsletter Template For Marketing

company newsletter templateAre you looking for a unique way to market your business?

A company newsletter can help you stay in contact with your client base. It allows you to share helpful information with other people. Your business will also be able to showcase products and services to prospects.

According to a study, 90 percent of respondents said they preferred to receive updates about a company by a newsletter.

How can you receive the value of having a newsletter while helping to make the process easier for you and your employees?

Read on to learn 3 benefits of using a company newsletter template for marketing.

1. Streamline the Process

Using a template for your company newsletter can help you save time when you are preparing new issues.

Imagine not having a template and starting from scratch each time you release a newsletter. Beginning from a blank page will create the need for you to design a stylish layout. You will also have to decide on other aspects like article word count and the amount of space you can devote to a topic.

By using a newsletter template, you will streamline the process and make it faster for you to develop a newsletter.

2. More Time to Focus on Content

A company newsletter template also frees up time for you to develop new content for each issue.

That’s because you will not have to spend hours trying to determine the style and aesthetic appearance of your newsletters. You will be able to focus on including one-of-a-kind stories and information that make your company stand out.

What should you include in your newsletter?

The answer depends on your industry and the target market for your business. When you identify who your readership is made up of, this can help you narrow down the sort of content you want in your newsletter.

This way you are offering readers something they want to read and they will find value in it.

3. Make a Positive Impression on Readers

It’s important that your business makes a positive impression on those people that read your newsletter.

That’s because this may be the first (and only) opportunity your company will have to earn someone’s business. For example, consider how quickly a consumer forms an opinion about your brand.

According to the Missouri University of Science and Technology, it takes only two-tenths of a second for a visitor on your website to form an opinion about your brand. This can result in a visitor deciding to hire your company or looking at your competition.

Whether you are posting a newsletter to your website, emailing or sending out physical copies, it’s crucial for you promote your brand in a positive way.

Wrapping Up: Using a Company Newsletter Template

Your company’s newsletter can be a great way for you to market your company and differentiate yourself from the competition.

But to do that, you need to take the time to include meaningful content and present it in a clear way. By using a newsletter template, you will be able to devote more time towards developing stories and polishing the final product you deliver to readers.

At Aptus Marketing & Development, we are a group of professionals that can help your business with direct mail and email marketing services.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your company market your products and services.

Email Marketing

The 5 Most Important Email Marketing Ideas of 2017

Online marketing is not the same as it used to be. What was once as simple as having a website with a few ads is now a wide world of opportunities and tactics.

Although PPC and SEO have entered the market, there is a tool practically as old as the internet still making waves – email marketing.

Using the right email marketing ideas can increase your brand loyalty and overall online sales.

It doesn’t matter if you are just getting the hang of using email strategies or if you’ve been at it for a while, you need to know what’s working in 2017 and where the trends are headed.

Here are the top five email marketing tricks to use in your campaign.

1. Make the Call-to-Action Loud and Clear

This is the number one rule for all companies across all industries.

Do not waste your time – or your readers’ time – if you don’t have a clear point in mind. The call to action should be simple to understand, and there should only be one per email.

This makes it as effective as possible. It allows you to have a direct method of reaching your goals, because you aren’t busy trying to campaign multiple things at once.

Keep one call-to-action simple and engaging. Your readers will get the hint.

2. Use a Responsive Template

As the internet has improved, so have the devices by which we access it.

Make sure your email template can automatically adapt between desktops, smartphones, and tablets. This ensures everything looks as intended, no matter how your consumer is reading an email.

Do not underestimate the power of design. A well-organized template speaks volumes to your professionalism and how much you care about the consumer.

Put your best design foot forward. Think of a responsive template as the visual insurance for your email marketing ideas.

3. Add an Emoji

One of the best ways to make sure your email gets attention out of everything else in someone’s inbox is to add an emoji.

Using the right emoji adds character to your email.

It makes the subject line more appealing and feels genuine as well. The value of this is worth noting because a misleading subject line can actually negatively affect your bounce rates.

Thus, adding an emoji as a visual to your subject gains interest and trust. It’s a win-win, wink-wink.

4. Go Through Your List on a Regular Basis

Do you know who your email marketing audience really is?

Not just your target audience, but the people who are already signed up.

Do an audit of your email list regularly. This can help you weed out the people who used a fake email or stopped using what they now consider an old address.

It can also give you an idea of consumer segments.

Segmenting your email marketing ideas to different groups makes your campaigns much more powerful. It allows you to make everything as relevant as possible, whether for the people who want coupons or those who like reading about company news and special events.

Divide and conquer your list and watch as open and click-through rates improve.

5. Personalize and Test Every Email

Personalizing is a must when it comes to email marketing.

Even something as simple as adding the recipient’s first name can be the hook that keeps them reading. It shows you aren’t just another promotion or spam email, and that you care to provide quality service.

To ensure the best service possible, test your emails.

Testing is the checkpoint to make sure your personalization efforts are working, and everything else looks in order, too.

Also, test for sending at different times of day and different days of the week. This will offer more specific insights on the best opportunities to reach your audience.

Start Using 2017’s Best Email Marketing Ideas

Stop waiting to connect with your consumers and start reaching them with the best email marketing ideas of the year.

The right email marketing campaign can be the difference between meeting your margins and making impressive sales leaps.

Your performance opportunities are on the other end of the screen. Meet your consumers where they are to get to where you want your company to be.

Contact us today to get started.

Email Marketing

Don’t Blast Out Emails, You’re Shoving Your Customers Away

I was reading an article on email marketing on the Aweber blog titled 6 Ways to Connect with Customers through Email. The tips were good and very foundational. If you get a second, go check them out.

The advice that stuck out to me was way #5, talk to one person instead of thousands. How many times do we receive salesy, almost generic emails and quickly delete them?

Worse yet, how many times have we sent emails like that not thinking about how we react to emails with that tone? Do we somehow think that our email is different, we’re special?

The author recommends writing the mass email as if you were writing to only one person. Think about it, are all your mass emails really for every one on your list? Probably not. Write to that one person and your message will hit your targets as the message connects with them.

If you would like to learn more about email marketing, get the free What to Write Guide on our Do It Yourself Marketing Resources page.