Marketing Strategy Website Development

A Look at the Future of SEO: What Is Coming in 2020?

It’s no secret that having a strong online presence for your brand is crucial if you want to keep up with your industry’s competitors. But, you won’t get very far without ensuring that your audience can find you on their own.

So, you’ll need to stay informed on contemporary SEO trends as well as the future of SEO.

Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about what to expect in 2020.

1. Website Security Is Crucial

With cybercrime expected to become a multi-trillion dollar industry, there is a greater need than ever to protect your site against hackers.

Not only are you at risk of getting your intellectual property stolen and lapses in productivity, but you’ll also deter potential customers from using your site if there is a noticeable lack of security.

People these days are often very vigilant of where they input their personal info. As such, you’ll need to ensure that your website incorporates HTTPS protocol to both protect your website from attacks and convey to your users that their information is safe.

2. Prioritize Video

By 2022, nearly all Internet traffic is anticipated to come from online video. While this isn’t to say that people won’t have the desire to read blog posts and informative articles, it will highly benefit your brand to incorporate video content.

This also applies to Facebook and Instagram, as well. If you’re having trouble thinking of ideas, things like product reviews, behind-the-scenes looks, and product/service announcements are solid video concepts.

3. Incorporate Voice Search

As our access to information gets faster, people often become lazier. Voice search will see a rise in popularity due to the convenience it provides.

What this means for brands is the need to incorporate keyword phrases that reflect how people would speak to their phone when searching.

For example, most people are likely to type “Mexican restaurants Los Angeles” but are likely to speak“where is the best Mexican restaurant in Los Angeles?”

So, keep this in mind when creating your content and SEO tags to optimize how many people will reach your site.

4. Quality Mobile UX Is Key

Mobile traffic is expected to experience a sharp increase up until 2021. This means you’ll need to start preparing for it now.

Optimizing mobile UX on your site includes:

  • Appropriately-sized icons and links
  • Formatting
  • Minimalist design to reduce loading times
  • Social media buttons to make sharing content simple

If you have a store on your site, you should also ensure that navigating through it is as simple as possible. Similarly, the ‘search’ option should be easy for your site’s visitors to find and use.

The Future of SEO in 2020: Final Thoughts 

With the above information about the future of SEO in mind, you’ll be well on your way to making the best decisions for your company online.

Want to learn more about what changes to expect in social media in 2020? Check out our article about social media trends that you need to know! 

Marketing Strategy Text (SMS) Marketing

Text Message Marketing for Small Business: 5 Key Strategies to Try Out

In the digital age, it’s nearly impossible to find someone without a phone. In fact, 95% of Americans own a cellphone.

That said, have you ever thought about texting customers?

The latest marketing involves communicating with customers—both potential and existing—through SMS messages. Since inboxes are often flooded with ignored newsletters, a person’s message inbox is more personal. A text message is instant, whereas emails are received and then often forgotten about.

Ready to utilize text message marketing for small business? Take a look at the strategies you need to know about below!

1. Allow Customers to Opt-in

Blatantly texting customers without their permission is a major no-no. That’s the quickest way to lose business as it seems like an invasion of privacy.

So customer don’t think you’re trying to scam them, allow them to opt-in to your text messages. This can be done in one or two ways.

First, text an opt-in with a keyword. It’ll say something like, “Text AWESOME to 12345 to receive our latest discount.”

Or, you can have an opt-in box located on your website. It’s similar to a newsletter sign-up where they submit their information at their own discretion.

2. Be Brief

No one wants to read a text message that’s the length of a novella. Keep messages brief, concise, and engaging.

Customers will be more likely to interact back when messages are well thought-out. This will also reduce the risk of opt-outs.

3. Respond Back

If you notice customers are texting back, it’s best to respond back. Leaving them hanging will only frustrate them to the point of no return.

While you can’t respond to everyone, that’s when you want to use an auto-responder. This type of software allows you to reply back using personalized messages. Customers will be able to get their questions answered or keep the conversation going this way.

4. Mention Offers First

To grab the attention of customers, list your offer first. Nothing makes someone open a text message faster than seeing how they’ll save money.

In fact, response to SMS marketing is 7.5 times higher than email. That means your chances of them making a purchase is also increased.

5. Create Urgency

To ramp up sales, you’ll want to create urgency with your messaging. Using different phrases will motivate customers to buy more or buy quickly.

Some phrases you can utilize to create urgency:

  • Today only
  • For a limit time
  • One-time only
  • While supplies last
  • Offer ends today

When they see messages like this, they can’t help but click. 

Wrapping Up on Text Message Marketing for Small Business

If you really want to be at the forefront of your customers’ busy lives, text message marketing for small business is the way to go. It’s better than sending an email to a crowded inbox and you’ll be able to increase conversions easier.

Need help when it comes to marketing? Check out all the services we offer!

Marketing Strategy Website Development

5 Crucial Website Best Practices for Higher Conversions

A website for your business doesn’t guarantee that customers are going to like it—or spend their cash when they visit.

If your website is poor, you can’t expect visitors to put their faith in you. Your site is your image, your image is your reputation, and your reputation is everything.

That’s why it’s important to build your website with conversions in mind. Your website needs to be built to sell—and you need to know how.

Here are 5 website best practices you can implement when you’re designing a site for higher conversions.

Ensure Quick Loading Times

How fast does your site load? A slow website means you’re losing potential customers. More than half of all mobile users click off a website if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.

If you’re using WordPress, reduce your site load by removing any unnecessary plugins and developing a lightweight theme. Check out your web host and see if you need to move your site to another provider.

If it’s not your host, it might be your content. Images, videos and some parts of your code should be hosted on a faster content delivery network (CDN) to reduce loading speeds further.

Write Persuasive Content

No content? Or just plain old poor content? Then you’ve not got a website worth visiting.

Without good copy, your business doesn’t stand a chance of converting new visitors into customers. That’s why Google suggests that the most important thing your site needs is high-quality content.

Information should be tailored to your audience and your niche. Good content that offers something useful won’t just sell well. It’ll help your site rank well on Google, offering an organic way to bring in new customers.

Your content should be detailed, unique, and well-written. Don’t forget to include useful videos and images to support your written text, too.

Make It Easy to Navigate

If your users can’t navigate your site easily, they won’t stick around. One of the most important web design best practices to consider is simple, easy navigation.

Have a navigation bar at the header of your site page, but don’t go overboard with options. Categorize your site into areas.

If you’ve got a lot of content then include a search bar for users. A quick “back-to-the-top” button should be displayed in the bottom corner of your site to allow users to return to the top of a page.

Use a Responsive Design for All Devices

The best web designers know that they can’t build websites that are only built for desktop PCs. That’s why you need to design your site using responsive web design.

With a responsive design, you’ve got one website that loads on any type of device or screen size. Smaller screens like a smartphone will show a smaller layout, while bigger devices like laptops will be bigger.

You’re offering the same content on one website, while providing a streamlined experience for everyone, no matter what device they use.

Build an Email Marketing List

New businesses need new customers, but what if you could convert past customers? Start an email marketing list and include signups across your website.

This can help you promote offers and deals to tempt previous customers back to your business. It can also help you build your site profile. If you’ve got new content you want to share, you can share it with your email list first.

Here are 6 simple tips to help you boost your email marketing efforts this year.

Adopt These Website Best Practices

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve got the most incredible product or service in the world. If you don’t include some of these website best practices, you’re probably losing money.

Keep your design simple, quick, and responsive. Don’t forget good content, and use a marketing list to turn one-shot visitors into repeat customers.

Still unsure whether you’re getting the best conversions out of your website? Get in touch and we’ll discuss what we can do to improve your business marketing strategy.

Marketing Strategy Website Development

5 Super Effective Lead Magnet Ideas for 2019

Every business wants tons of free leads.

What is a lead? In the simplest terms, it’s an individual or organization that has an interest in what you’re selling.

But selling is becoming harder according to 35% of salespeople. It now takes an average of 8 calls to get in touch with a prospect after they make initial contact.

For this reason alone, more and more companies are focusing on converting more quality leads instead of more leads overall.

To convert a lead, you need to obtain their contact information. To get their contact information, you need to offer them something valuable in return for their filling out a contact form. The best way to do that is through lead magnets.

Lead magnets represent your best giveaway ideas. They offer more value than other CTAs.

For example, not every visitor on your website will want to sign up for your email newsletter. Others may prefer long-form materials that can help them answer a question or solve a problem.

Here are five lead magnet ideas you can try in 2019.

1. Reports and White Papers

According to one poll, 79% of B2B buyers said white papers are the materials they are most likely to share with colleagues.

Creating a white paper is often an investment. The best white papers include original, proprietary research. But white papers are perhaps the most high-value form of content you can offer for free.

If you’re a B2B business, white papers may be the most effective form of content in your arsenal.

2. Checklists

Checklists are simple but beautifully designed documents that help your leads keep track of tasks. Be sure to create checklists for tasks that your target audience might perform.

For example, if you sell project management software to small businesses, you could offer a checklist for starting new projects.

3. Webinars

Webinars may take some production time to create, but they’re almost as valuable as white papers. You can run a webinar with your own team, or you can bring in experts from outside your company.

Some influencers may be willing to do a webinar with you for a fee. But the ROI of that investment could be astronomical in terms of leads. Once your webinar is done, create post-webinar reports, blog posts, and other materials to obtain even more leads.

4. Free Online Tools

Like checklists, free online tools are designed to be helpful to your target audience. You may need a programmer on hand to design the tool, but once it’s up and running, it will be easy to gate it behind a form.

Consider what your customers need. Then, provide them with a tool that makes their lives easier. If you’re a software vendor, you can even provide them with a limited free version of your product.

5. Free Consultations

Not everyone will be interested in a consultation. But your most qualified leads may be interested in free services like business coaching or niche advice.

Naturally, this type of lead magnet depends on your business. But even if you sell a product, you can offer free consultations on how to use it.

Get More Lead Magnet Ideas

If you’re still struggling to figure out how to make a lead, don’t worry. There are plenty more lead magnet ideas that can help you accomplish the task.

To learn more, contact our business growth consultancy today.

Marketing Strategy Text (SMS) Marketing

Top 5 Text Marketing Tips

Reaching the right audience can be difficult. Without realizing it, it’s quite possible to pour thousands of dollars into a marketing campaign that, frankly, may not deliver results.

But businesses would do well to stop waiting for their audiences to come to them.

What’s the solution? SMS marketing.

An estimated 95% of all Americans own a cell phone, meaning it’s easier than ever to reach customers wherever they are.

Here are five tips to make your SMS marketing campaign a smashing success.

1. Always Get Permission

This is by far the most important tip on this list, as it can land you in the most trouble.

Customers must always opt-in to a company’s marketing. Otherwise, the business in question is guilty of what the FCC refers to as an “unsolicited advertisement,” and can face major financial and legal hurdles.

Play it safe — always get consumers’ permission before enrolling them in a text marketing campaign. Customers value transparency. Make sure to use the words “opt-in” in the messaging and be as clear as possible about what they’re signing up for.

2. Personalize Each Text

People love individualized messages. In fact, 80% of consumers said that they’re more willing to buy from a brand who offers them a personalized, custom experience.

Something as simple as using the customer’s name in the introduction of the text can go a long way. It builds a customer-managed relationship (CMR) and is a wonderful means of generating leads.

And for those feeling nervous: No, it isn’t necessarily to go in and individually address each message. There are tons of great SMS marketing services that will do that for you.

3. Schedule Messages Appropriately

Imagine receiving a text message at 3 AM. Many would hear the ring or buzz of their phone and wake up thinking it’s an emergency.

Now imagine how frustrated they’d feel when they see it’s an advertisement. Not the smartest move.

When a business sends a text can be every bit as important as what they text.

Be thoughtful about scheduling text messages. Aim to utilize SMS marketing during the business day and early evening only.

4. Avoid Spamming Customers

Finding the right balance in an SMS marketing campaign can be a challenge. In fact, it’s a similar challenge to those faced in social media and email campaigns.

Too few messages and the customer is likely to forget about the business. Too many messages and they’ll become frustrated and are likelier to opt out of the campaign.

When it comes down to it, less is often more. One or two messages per week are more than sufficient.

5. Only Text When There’s Good Reason

Last but not least, only text a customer when they stand to benefit from something. Otherwise, the customer will see no value in participating in the campaign and may be likelier to leave altogether.

When you do text, make sure it’s in the consumer’s best interest. Here are a few ways to add value:

  • Update a customer on their order
  • Inform them about upcoming special events
  • Give them a discount code
  • Send them a reminder about a payment or appointment

Above all else, SMS marketing should benefit both the business and the consumer. Make sure your customers are getting value out of their texts.

SMS Marketing Is The Future

As society continues to rely more and more on mobile devices, the power of SMS marketing will only increase. The sooner business harness this awesome power, the sooner they’ll benefit.

Are you interested in boosting your brand? To learn more about market coaching, SMS marketing, and more get in touch and let’s talk.

Marketing Strategy

5 Signs You Need a Digital Marketing Coach

digital marketing coachAccording to a recent study, global online ad revenue is over $10 billion a year.

There is no denying just how effective online marketing and advertising. If you are like most business owners, you have a limited range of knowledge when it comes to digital marketing.

Rather than letting this lack of knowledge and experience cost you customers, hiring a digital marketing coach is a great idea. These marketing professionals can both develop and alter advertising campaigns to ensure their success.

The following are some of the signs you may notice when it is time to hire a digital marketing coach.

1. Your Business Isn’t Growing

Has your business growth stalled or stopped completely?

One of the most common reasons for this problem is a less than stellar marketing strategy. While having a handful of loyal customers can get you through the hard times, you have to grow your client base to achieve real success.

The only way to reach a wider audience is by executing well thought out marketing campaigns. A digital marketing coach can help you develop a winning strategy with ease.

2. An Outdated Website Can Be Problematic

Having a website with outdated content and imagery can give prospective customers the wrong idea about your business.

Keeping your website appealing and informative should be one of your main concerns. If you simply don’t have the time or skill to perform these updates, hiring professionals to assist you is a great idea.

3. Marketing Campaigns Aren’t Being Monitored

The only way to know if a marketing campaign is working is by monitoring the results it garners.

If you have multiple marketing ventures that aren’t being monitored, now is the time to hire a professional to help them out. With their assistance, you can get real data that tells you what tactics are working and which ones need to be culled.

4. You Don’t Know Who Your Target Audience Is

Many business owners use the “spray and pray” approach when it comes to marketing.

Failing to have an idea of who your company’s target audience is can cause lots of problems. If you don’t know who you are marketing to, you will have a hard time having the success you are after.

A marketing professional will perform extensive research to find out who your customers are. Once they have this information, they will start to target your marketing campaigns to meet the needs of your audience.

5. No Social Media Presence

One of the best ways to interact with customers on a constant basis is by communicating on social media.

If your business has no presence on social networks like Facebook or Twitter, hiring a digital marketing coach is wise. These marketing gurus will have no problem finding the ideal voice for your business.

Once this voice is established, using it to push your message on social media will be easy.

Do You Need a Digital Marketing Coach?

Rather than losing your competitive edge due to a lack of marketing knowledge, you need to hire a marketing professional to assist you.

Are you in need of marketing help? If so, contact Aptus Marketing & Development today to find out about the marketing services we offer.

Marketing Strategy Website Development

How to Move from DIY to Pro Website Development

website development

Upgrading your existing website may seem like an impossible and daunting task. However, with the help of a professional, it doesn’t have to be.

Having a basic website is only going to get you so far. Customers may make negative judgments about a company if the website is too basic.

The benefits of switching to a professional website developer will help ensure a positive impression for any website visitor. This way, your site will be looking and functioning better than it ever has.

The following information will help you make this switch:

Why Switch Your Website’s Host?

Sometimes, a certain web location has slow load times and high costs. Perhaps your website is lagging and not accommodating your audience. These are all valid reasons to switch web hosts.

Moving a website to a new web host is similar to moving into a new home in real life. You search for a new location, sign the necessary paperwork to rent hosting space, and then transfer your “belongings” over to the new server.

Then there’s directing the domain to the new host by changing the DNS record. It’s kind of like hanging up a sign for a new business.

Next, to opting for professional help, switching site servers might be the best decision you ever make.

Why Professional Website Development is Better

While transferring the data over to the new site, some of it might get lost or corrupted. Links might come up as broken and graphics might not appear.

Professionals know the nuances of website development. They understand how to tweak the website and make sure everything runs smoothly.

After switching a site over to a new web host, professionals can build this website into something better than its original form.

Unfortunately, professionals can’t work on the website until the owner switches over to a new web host. This leads me to my next point:

Making the Big Switch

After purchasing a new web host, it’s time to migrate the website over to the new host.

Static files are any type of file that does not frequently change either automatically or through a content editor. In order to back up a static website, copy the old file structures over to the new web host.

An easy way to move files into a CMS site (like WordPress) is to put them in a zip folder and transfer it all to the “public_html” or “www” folder.

Make sure to double check that everything works well on the website once the files have been loaded onto the new hosting configuration.

After all this, it’s important to change the website’s DNS records. A DNS record is like a set of instructions that specify where to send the user.

Switching the DNS record to the new server guarantees visitors will find the site they’re looking for.

The migration can take as little as one hour or up to two days. It depends on a site’s size and the amount of data it contains.

Don’t run the import process more than once. Doing so can cause duplicated or missing data and errors in the new database.

What Are You Waiting For?

Don’t settle for basic website development when a professional can help. Switching site builders can be the most rewarding internet experience anyone could ask for.

Contact an expert to learn more about how you can get professional help for your site. You won’t be sorry.

Marketing Strategy

Ensure Success by Creating a Marketing Calendar

marketing calendar

The new year is fast approaching and you’ve decided this will be your best year ever. A well-planned marketing calendar will be key in making that a reality.

Keep reading for tips on creating one that works for you.

What Is a Marketing Calendar and Why Do You Need One?

If you don’t write a goal down it’s only a wish. Creating a plan of action for your marketing strategy can be pivotal to your success.

There are many benefits to creating a visual marketing calendar.

It ensures everyone is on the same page. There is no question about what is being done and when target dates are.

It also gets the creative juices flowing. If your team knows you are starting a social media campaign next week, they are thinking about it this week.

Your team will be more cohesive and everyone will know week to week what the focus will be.

Having weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly goals written out will help. It will be a benefit with brainstorming, troubleshooting, and success of your goals.

A marketing calendar will also help with knowing your marketing budget needs. Detailed plans will help you see costs, expenses, and concerns well in advance. An overwhelming aspect of your business seems manageable with a workable plan.

An excel spreadsheet or software for marketing can record your goals and initiatives.

So What’s The Plan?

Creating a marketing plan can be a daunting task when you don’t know where to start.

A marketing coach is one solution to your anxiety about how to do this. They will help you develop a well-thought-out, effective marketing plan and calendar. An expert can give perspectives and answers your team may not think of.

Whether you’re hiring a coach to walk you through your marketing plan or doing it in-house you need ideas.

Researching marketing trends, brainstorming and developing a program will help accomplish your goals.

As you plug these goals into your marketing calendar you can create a plan to meet each target. This will help you think outside the box and come up with initiatives you hadn’t thought of before.

Don’t Skimp on the Details

The most successful marketing calendars aren’t vague ideas and numbers. They contain details for each idea and how you are going to accomplish it.

It’s not enough to say “we’ll start a social media campaign” as your goal for February. Break down each task and when they’ll be done.It’s important to remember marketing is, especially in the cyber world, 24 hours a day.

What worked last year may not be the best option this year. You need an evolving, fresh take on attracting clients as the world wide web continues to change.

Keep It Fresh

Your online content needs to be fresh and interesting. Clients want entertaining, informative customer experiences every time they interact with you.

If you want their business you must cater to their needs.

As the internet offers more payment and convenience options to consumers, so must you.

It’s not enough to reach your potential customer. You have to hook them in and entice them to stay.

Personal Experience

When creating a marketing calendar make it personal. Every business is different. They may use the same principles and strategies but make yours stand out.

Play to your strengths and think of what you can offer that no one else does.

Check out our blog for more marketing tips to make this your best year yet!

Marketing Strategy

5 Current Digital Marketing Trends You Need to Know About

digital marketing trends
Business, Technology, Internet and network concept. Young businessman working in virtual reality glasses sees the inscription: trends

Are you looking for insights on the current digital marketing trends?

Every serious business and brand has to apply the best marketing practices in order to grow and develop. If you don’t market your business online, you’re missing out on a lot of potential customers and opportunities.

Digital marketing is changing every day and what was groundbreaking yesterday can be a complete waste of time tomorrow.

This is why your business has to follow the trends and try new things rather than settle for a single strategy.

Keep reading to discover the top 5 digital marketing topics to keep an eye on at the moment.

1. Boosting Visual Content

Digital marketing trends encourage using visual content to increase your online visibility.

People are more likely to follow instructions if there are images, videos or infographics rather than just plain text.

Through visuals like web design, logos, colors, and animations, you can strengthen your brand presence and make it more memorable to people.

2. Using Video as a Marketing Method

People watch videos for two main purposes: for entertainment or to get useful information.

To use videos as a marketing tactic, you need to know what your audience wants.

According to Forbes, up to 90% of customers have reported that watching product videos has helped them make a purchasing decision.

Quality videos with valuable content can help you present your products to a much wider audience.

3. Audience-Customized Content

Focus your digital marketing strategy on your audience and its needs. Better yet, customize your content to specific customers and offer them something unique.

Sometimes this can be tricky if you have a big target audience and can’t track the engagement in real time. You can always hire an expert or a marketing coach to help you do that.

4. Interactive Content

The current digital marketing trends show that interactive content is popular because not only is it fun, but it’s also highly engaging.

Polls, interactive infographics, quizzes, contests, and giveaways are all great ways to connect with your audience and create buzz around your brand.

Interactive content is a great way to make your audience feel directly involved with your brand. If you provide a unique and pleasant user experience for them, you’ll gain many new and returning loyal customers.

5. Influencer Outreach

If you want to position your business as a serious brand, you need the eyes of a bigger audience. To get to these new target customers, you need people who have already established a connection with them — influencers.

You can find them on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest or their personal blogs.

Apply These Digital Marketing Trends to Your Business Today

Keeping up with the trends in digital marketing is key to growing your brand online. Find ways to adapt them to your marketing strategy and get rid of anything that doesn’t add to your brand’s visibility.

Ready to apply these marketing tactics to your business?

Check out our blog for more useful tips or contact us today to connect with our business growth consultants.