Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing: Pros and Cons of Social Media Marketing

Did you know that one in three people in the world uses social media platforms?

Social media has, indeed, become a huge part not only of digital marketing but of everyone’s daily life. This is a great opportunity for any business.

If you’ve been considering joining a social media platform with your brand but want to know the pros and cons of social media marketing first, today’s article is just what you need to read!

Pro: It’s Affordable

It is a fact that organic reach on social media is on the decline and that means that, unlike a few years ago, it’s almost required that brands spend money on their social media presence to create targeted ads and campaigns.

However, when you compare this with other marketing strategies, it becomes clear that social media marketing is a lot cheaper.

Pro: It Offers Great Targeting Options

Before, brands would promote their products or services through the TV, radio, or press. Those were – and, in some cases, still are – very effective marketing channels.

However, when a brand created a TV ad, they’d reach their target audience and… everyone else who had a TV. There was no specific targeting. With social media, you can choose the type of consumer you want to reach with each campaign and customize it accordingly.

Pro: It Helps Foster Strong Relationships

Through social media, you can build your brand’s personality like never before and, this way, create a stronger, more authentic connection with your audience. Ultimately, this can result in more brand loyalty and customer retention.

Con: It Can Damage Your Brand’s Image

You’ll only post positive things about your brand, of course. However, we have to remember about the comment section on each of your posts, the online reviews and the personal posts by customers.

Anyone can say whatever they want online and you never know how that might affect your brand. However, a good social media manager will know how to deal with any negative comments you receive.

Con: The ROI Is Difficult to Measure

If you’re a business owner, you know that what matters, in the end, are the numbers behind the marketing strategy and the truth is, when it comes to social media marketing, those numbers (that is, the ROI) can be tricky to measure.

The good news is that, once again, an efficient social media manager will be able to present you with comprehensive reports of your campaigns, which will give you an idea of your social media success.

Con: It’s Time-Consuming

Contrary to popular belief, social media marketing is about more than creating a couple of posts a week. There’s a lot of creativity, strategy, and monitoring involved and all of that can be very time-consuming, which is why hiring a social media manager or outsourcing this type of task is often a good idea.

Pros and Cons of Social Media Marketing: Now You Know!

Using social media to promote your business comes with many perks and challenges. However, it’s important to remember that you want to be where your target audience is and, right now, that’s probably on one or two social media platforms.

Now that you’re familiar with the pros and cons of social media marketing, it’s time to find an agency that will help you get the most out of the first ones and deal with the second ones. Schedule a call with us today!

Social Media Marketing

2020 Social Media Trends: 4 Things to Keep an Eye On

Social media has become incredibly important to our contemporary culture. Whether you’re an influencer, a small business, or a social media manager, looking ahead into the trends of the new year is a must.

Keep reading for our guide on the top 2020 social media trends you should know about. 

2020 Social Media Trends: Our Top 4

Some things stay the same, but most change in the fast-paced world of social media. Here’s our list of the main things to be on the lookout for. 

1) Video Content: It’s Everything 

If you haven’t already, it’s a good idea to start integrating video content onto your platform now. With platforms like TikTok and Youtube, video content is more important than ever. This engaging media form can be implemented onto your Instagram or Facebook through stories, live video, as well as IGTV. Figure out what kind of video content would best engage your audience, and try it out. You may be shocked at the high results and interactions. 

2) Influencer Marketing: Not Going Anywhere 

Influencer marketing has blown up in the last few years, with influencers helping to sell products for the big guys, from Amazon to Target. If you’re an influencer, don’t worry, you will still be in high demand in 2020. If you’re a small business or a social media manager, consider using an influencer to sell your product.

When looking for the right influencer for you, consider your brand. Does this influencer seem like your customer? If so, make sure they have a high level of interaction on their posts and a large audience. Influencers can help market your product to people outside of your companies current audience.

Teaming with an influencer is great for driving online traffic. Consider giving the influencer you’re working with a discount code to share with your customer, this can give their audience an incentive to purchase from your site and make the sale traceable to a particular initiative.

Another plus to advertising with influencers is that they are generally much cheaper than the ads you can launch with Instagram and Facebook while generating much more authentic followers. 

3) Cracking down in 2020: More Privacy on Social Platforms

Privacy issues such as data security have risen this past year, especially with Facebook. This issue caused tons of people to leave the platform, in fear that their data was in unsafe hands. Aware of this issue, platforms are tightening up to make sure users feel safe on their sites. Look our for regulations and restrictions in 2020 as social media platforms change their security and privacy norms. 

4) Still Selling: Social Media Commerce Still Rules 

As you’ve probably noticed, brands use social media platforms to sell their products to consumers. This isn’t going anywhere, which is great for the companies selling products but can be irritating to users who don’t want to use these social platforms just to be advertised to. 

If you have an E-Commerce, consider setting up a Facebook and Instagram store that is linked to your site. This can help users easily access your store and purchase your products. 

Keep up with Social Media Trends to Stay Successful 

Whether you like it or not, social media is here to stay, and marketing on it is more important than ever. 

Keep these 2020 social media trends in mind this next year, and for more tips on marketing, visit our blog. 

Social Media Marketing

The Best Ways to Increase the Social Media Presence for Your Business

Are there any reliable ways to increase the social media presence of your business?

There are several ways, but most of them are rather expensive. Here are some of the more moderately priced ways you may increase your social media presence.

Paying For Advertising

All of the social media networks have their own advertising platforms to financially support themselves.

You can set your own budget and manage your daily costs very precisely. Also, the minimum spend per platform is rather low.

The easiest place to start is with Facebook Ads; specifically with a Facebook Boost.

Increase Your Social Media Presence With Influencers

Some people are great at charming influencers so that they offer up support for free, and others resort to paying influencers.

Do not go for the biggest. Simply hunt the social media influencers who attract your target audience and then pay them to throw a little support your way.

Learn As Much As You Can

Do not take your social media endeavor lightly. Become an expert in your chosen social media platform. For example, if you are tackling Instagram, then become such an Instagram expert that you can write your own Instagram guides.

Use Scheduling Tools Moderately

Social media scheduling tools are brilliant because they enable you to post regularly without having to worry about letting your social media accounts go cold, which is not something you want to happen if you are trying to spread your brand message. They enable you to disseminate content on a regular basis even on days when you are not working.

However, for accounts to be deemed “Active,” you need to be visiting your social media account manually from time-to-time, interacting with people, and gauging their reactions to your content. Remember the rule of reciprocity, when you start liking and commenting on other people’s posts, they tend to return the favor making your posts more visible.

Interact With Your Followers

Relating to the tip given above, being an active member of the social media network also means getting to know things about the groups you are in and the people who follow you.

Being part of an “in” crowd is very powerful on social media. You are making a mistake if you ape the social media terms people use without truly understanding why they exist, why they are effective, or why they are used.

Build A Following Rather Than Getting Followers

There is a subtle psychological difference. You do things because your followers will like it and not because it will make followers like you. You are giving happiness rather than seeking approval. Also, remember to cross-promote your posts over your other social media accounts, websites, and your email list. Distributing your content across different media really gets the best bang for your buck.

Know When To Apply The Brakes

It seems counter-intuitive, but there are some social media networks that are harder to crack than others, especially for certain business types and marketing methods. For all the social media presence tips seen in this article, the most important may be learning when to back off.

If you are not getting the penetration required in a certain social media network, then refocus your energy on another network and work on getting a bigger return on the time and effort you are putting in.

If you are interested in accelerating your business marketing, check out what our Marketing Coach can do for you.

Social Media Marketing

5 Essential Social Media Marketing Tips for Startups

Approximately 90 percent of marketers state that their social marketing efforts helped increase exposure for their business. Also, 75 percent said they’ve seen an increase in traffic thanks to the use of social platforms.

Have you noticed that your social media marketing efforts aren’t panning out, or are you one of the many businesses that have yet to create a presence on these platforms? If so, now is the time to take action and create a campaign that can help you get the desired results.

Keep reading for some helpful social media marketing tips to help ensure your efforts work.

1. Create a Schedule and Stick to It

When it comes to social media, the best thing you can do is create a content schedule and stick to it. If you’re inconsistent when you post, your audience is going to lose interest in what you have to share or say.

2. Make Sure You Are Unique

It’s important to create content that stands out. What can you do that is different from what everyone else is doing?

This is related to your unique selling proposition. What makes you special? Translate this to what you post on social media.

3. Create Quality Content

You need to ensure the content you post on social media is of high quality. This doesn’t mean you have to have any type of fancy equipment or an entire team to accomplish this.

The goal here is to make sure the picture you post are in focus and crisp and that what you are writing in your caption has real meaning. Don’t post unrelated information — it’s going to cause your visitors and potential customers to go elsewhere for information.

4. Consider Investing in Ads

If you have noticed that your posts aren’t gaining much traction, then it may be a good idea to invest in paid posts.

While this isn’t ideal, it can help you get your name and product or service “out” to the masses. Most social platforms offer this feature today.

5. Engage Regularly

It’s a good idea to engage with your audience on social media. If you want people to talk to you, you have to talk back.

If someone takes the time to “like” or comment on one of your posts, it means they’re interested in what you have to say. It’s also a good idea to post other information like this, as it’s obviously something that is well-received.

Use These Social Media Marketing Tips for Success

If you want to find success with your social media marketing efforts, then it is essential for you to use the social media marketing tips found here. Doing so will pay off and help you see real results.

If you’re looking for more information on how to improve your web presence, read some of our other blogs posts too. For example, we offer information on website best practices for higher conversions.