6 Tips to Grow Your Social Media Following

grow social media following

If you want to get more leads, more exposure, and more sales for your brand in a targeted way, social media marketing is an absolute must. But when you don’t have followers, building marketing momentum can be really tough.

We’ve compiled a list of our best marketing tips for businesses that want to gain social media followers. All you have to do is keep reading.

1. Double Down on Video

According to SocialMediaToday, video drives more responses and sees higher engagement than virtually any other medium on social media.

A lot of what prompts people to hit “follow” ultimately boils down to a single question. Does your content interest them enough for them to raise their hands and say, “I want more of this in my feed”?

Video can be a very powerful way to increase your followers with minimal disruption. Try it out and see the results for yourself.

2. Use Popular Hashtags

Picture this. You’re in an elevator with your ideal customer. Starting a conversation would be the quickest way to get your prospect’s attention, right?

Hashtags are the social media equivalent of saying “hello.” They allow you to get more social media followers simply by joining the conversations that are already happening. 

3. Understand Your Audience

Different communities tend to use certain lingo or key phrases. According to the Australasian Medical Journal, shared language can improve personal and professional relationships.

When you’re on social media, you want to share content that gives your audience “I totally get you” vibes. If you can nail this, the follows usually aren’t too far behind.

4. Make Sure Your Posting Strategy Suits the Platform

Social media followers can be a little like Goldilocks when it comes to posting frequency. You don’t want to post too frequently or too little. But the right amount can look very different when going from platform to platform.

On Twitter, for instance, your followers might be happy to see you tweeting and retweeting five times a day. But on LinkedIn, your followers could feel like you’re spamming. The key is to make sure you’re posting just enough. 

5. Consider Opting for Paid Social Media

The decline of organic reach on networks like Facebook and Instagram is a subject that’s still a sore spot for many. But the good news is that even a small social media budget can help you get more social media followers.

Paid social media advertising platforms often allow you to target your followers, people who have seen your products, and audiences just like them. As a result, ad remarketing can be a cost-effective way to grow your social media following.

6. Participate in Trending Topics 

As it turns out, getting followers on social media ultimately boils down to being seen. If you can put your handle in front of more eyeballs by scanning the trending section on your platform, you can see steady growth. 

Grow Your Social Media Following Even Faster

Many businesses know that in order to grow, social media is important.

But the process of going from “We need more reach and influence on social media” to “Yes! We’ve got more subscribers!” isn’t always easy to bridge. 

We help companies like yours leverage social media for explosive growth. Contact us to start growing your social media following today.